Content Creation VS. Influencer Advertising




Content Creation vs Influencer Advertising and what you should do for your business

Every time we go on social media, we see influencers showcasing a new product and urging us to buy it. If you scrolled for just 2 minutes, you'd likely see at least 5 influencers talking about a product they ‘love’. The market is insanely oversaturated, and the authenticity of influencer-based marketing seems to be fading.

We understand the impact an influencer can have on a brand, but often there's a better option for businesses. Depending on your goal, content creation can be a more authentic way to produce your content and reach your audience. 

In this blog, we will discuss the pros and cons of Content Creation vs. Influencers, helping you decide which option is best for your goals and business. Let’s dive in!


  • Cost-Effective: Content creation is extremely cost-effective for businesses when compared to influencer marketing. Influencers can charge anywhere from $200 to $5,000 for a single post, and you might not have the rights to use it on your own feeds or for your marketing. On the other hand, content creation services cost about $150 per piece of content on average, and creators typically package videos with images, giving you more value for your money. Plus, you have the freedom to use this content however you want, whether that’s posting it tomorrow or in 6 months.

  • Reinvigorates Marketing: Content creation differs from influencer marketing in that the creator decides what your customers are missing in your marketing. They offer a new perspective and work alongside you to help your business. If you're in a marketing slump, a content creator can breathe new life into your existing messaging.

  • Builds Trust: Customers tend to trust reviews from the ‘average joe’ more than a big-name influencer who promotes a new product daily. It’s likely that your customers will look for reviews before making a purchase, so having ‘real life’ people talk about your product can be extremely persuasive. Displaying multiple content creation videos on your business page is more likely to influence a purchase than one influencer video on their page.


  • Quality of Content: It’s essential to research before hiring a content creator to ensure their style matches your brand. Look for a creator with a portfolio that aligns with your marketing objectives. Many companies hire the first creator they find, not realizing better options are available.

  • Reach of Content: When you hire an influencer, you're tapping into their audience directly. Posting a video on your own account might not achieve the same level of exposure, even if the content is high quality.


  • Easy Target Audience Reach: Hiring an influencer means they’ll share your content on their social media. If their vibe matches your company’s, their followers are likely your target customers, making it easy to reach the right people quickly.

  • Brand Credibility and Social Proof: Influencers with a dedicated following can provide credibility and social proof for your brand. This is especially valuable for new or lesser-known brands trying to establish themselves.

  • Content Variety and Creativity: Influencers often add their own unique style and creativity to the content they produce, offering a fresh perspective and reaching different market segments.


  • Risk to Reputation: Partnering with an influencer who doesn't align with your brand can damage your reputation and lead to customer loss. It’s crucial to research and choose the right influencer.

  • Expensive: Influencer collaborations can be costly.

  • Hard to Measure Results: You won't have direct access to the analytics of the content an influencer posts, making it challenging to measure the success of their promotions.


  • Goal 1: Save money but still get good content? Choose Content Creation.

  • Goal 2: Need content for an upcoming launch without the effort? Go for Content Creation.

  • Goal 3: Want to track your own analytics? Content Creation is the way.

  • Goal 4: Looking for honest reviews from real people? Opt for Content Creation.

  • Goal 5: Want to reach the right people, regardless of potential backlash? Choose an Influencer.

Your decision boils down to whether you need content for your own page or want others to post about it. For in-house content, hire a Content Creation service. For external promotion, hire an Influencer.

For small businesses on a tight budget, influencer marketing can seem daunting. However, content creation services offer a cost-effective alternative without sacrificing marketing impact. By choosing content creation, small businesses can enjoy the benefits of influencer marketing while conserving resources, making it a smart choice for enhancing brand visibility and engagement.


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