Is pinterest your new business bestie? the answer is yes.

Figuring out how to best leverage your business analytics across socials can feel like whiplash jumping from platform to platform. Spending time on the meta suite is a great start for better understanding your audiences on instagram and facebook. But there is a platform a lot of business owners are forgetting about when it comes to content optimization. We’ll give you a hint: it’s pinterest.

We’ve talked about this before, but here’s the gist—

88% of people that pin a product to their boards end up purchasing that product — whether through pinterest or another platform.

Once on that site, the average pinterest user spends about 15 minutes browsing. That’s a crazy statistic when you understand that most users spend less than 1 minute on sites that they visit.

Pinterest shoppers spend more money than twice what facebook and twitter shoppers spend. The demographic of people that are shopping on pinterest have more disposable income.

Harnessing the power of pinterest for sales and exposure—


One of the key reasons why pinterest stands out as a marketing platform is its nature as a visual search engine. Users turn to pinterest not only for inspiration but also to discover new ideas, products, and services.

The platform's search functionality, combined with its visually-driven interface, allows businesses to showcase their offerings in a highly engaging and discoverable way. By optimizing your presence on pinterest, you can tap into the platform's vast user base and drive targeted traffic to your website.

In other words… pinterest doesn’t run on the hunt for likes and followers like other platforms **cough cough** facebook and instagram. The audience is looking for inspiration and ready to take action once they see it.

That’s where your business comes into the equation. Pinterest is the medium. Your business is the message. Pinners get inspiration from your visuals, and this ultimately leads to the sale of a product or opens the door for brand exposure.


There is no better content marketing platform than pinterest. Your content lives on forever, making pinterest the only platform where what you invest into it you get out of it — for years. For an example of how to do this check out our piece on multiplying your content and engagement using pinterest.

Pinterest operates with a unique set of search engine optimization (seo) strategies and best practices. To maximize your visibility on the platform, here are some key factors to consider:

- keyword optimization

- rich pins

- link building

Basically, pinterest’s’ algorithm—if utilized properly—works by pulling metadata from website pages they link to. You can control through strategically incorporating relevant keywords into your pinterest profile. Make your business, its products, and its services part of these seos and backlinks.


Unlike other social media platforms where you may be limited to short captions or text-heavy posts, pinterest allows you to create visually compelling narratives that captivate your audience. By leveraging the power of visual storytelling, you can convey your brand's values, showcase your products or services in action, and evoke emotions that resonate with your target audience.

With pinterest's visually-driven interface, you have the opportunity to curate stories through tools like boards that are about your brand. You can create boards that showcase your product lines, share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, or even provide inspiration and tips related to your industry. By curating visually appealing and cohesive boards, you can establish a strong brand identity and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

By strategically incorporating relevant keywords into your pins, board titles, and descriptions, you can enhance your visibility in search results and reach users actively seeking inspiration or solutions related to your offerings.

Ok— ready for a new bestie yet? How could you not want pinterest on your business team?

Planning on incorporating on-brand content for pinterest into your business’s social media content calendar is a great way to start re-imagining your reach and business optimization.

Inspiration delivers higher rois than likes and follower counts can anyway. Whether you're aiming to boost brand awareness, establish consumer trust, or drive conversions, your media mix decisions can be the game-changer that leads to remarkable engagement and outstanding results. Make sure pinterest is part of this mix.

Happy pinning!

Maker + Made


Benefits of a Marketing Strategy


How to multiply your content and your engagement using Pinterest.